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Makaut Organizer

Makaut Organizer –Popular publications has designed this book for thousands of students in Technical and Management education studying under MAKAUT , keeping in mind that MAKAUT previous year question paper are not reading available in the Market. We have taken the initiatives to resolve the situation through our “Organizer”. The organizer are specially made for the B. Tech, MCA, BCA, MBA, and BBA students M as their examination guide.

What is the speciality of an organizer?

This is a single book which contains all subjects for a particular semester. Each subject is organised chapter wise, according to MAKAUT syllabus and every chapter contains the MAKAUT question with solutions, year wise, in sequential order. It is real helpful guide for examination purpose. Students will get weightage of the chapters and will be more focused. Popular Publications has a panel of more than thirty professors from different colleges under MAKAUT . We believe the quality of answer is trustworthy and reliable. We advise the students to take the help from different books for building their knowledge base

Makaut Organizer